PM Hasina’s decision over Padma Bridge extra-courageous: Chinese envoy
“I doubt, if any average leader of any country could have made such a tough decision as she did, I doubt, I really doubt,” he told to a group of select journalists at the Chinese embassy here on Sunday.
The envoy said the decision required “tremendous courage and a strong sense of political responsibility” on the part of any head of the government.
Li Jiming added: “Whenever I think of the bridge, 3 words come to my mind: courage, determination and prosperity.”
The envoy said under the Bangladesh premier’s leadership the bridge emerged as a solid reality growing from a vision and from now on “nobody will ever doubt that Bangladesh cannot do it”.
Li Jiming, however, also took pride for his country’s stake in the project since a Chinese company was involved in constructing the bridge saying so far this was the largest bridge that Chinese companies had ever constructed outside China.
“So, I think accepting the challenge was also a courageous step taken by the Chinese side,” he said.
Asked what message Bangladesh carried abroad by building the structure without foreign financing, the envoy said “lesson has been learnt (that) you should trust Bangladesh people”.
“This lesson can get them better perform in Bangladesh market (in future),” he said in an apparent reference to the World Bank.