Ministry cancels controversial list with 29 books of additional secretary
Ali Azam said a committee will be formed to select a new list for this purpose.
The senior secretary said, choosing books from thousands of publications is a sensitive issue.
“Within a week we will provide the committee topics like history, literature, poems and the committee will fill up the list with appropriate books. The committee will review the process to recommend books.” he said.
He said a decision was taken by the ministry to build libraries in the offices of Divisional Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners and Upazila Nirbahi Officers with small allocations in the next four years to boost knowledge of the officials.
“For this purpose, a list of 1400 books was prepared by this office but it was not made mandatory to follow the list. The ministry has asked to buy books in the light of that list,” he added.
Ali Azam also said that the allocation for upazila level is 1.5 lakhs, 2 lakhs at district level and 3 lakhs at divisional level.