AsiaLatest news / Taza newspress release UAE issues first civil marriage licence for non-Muslim couple December 28, 2021 PBC News: The UAE issued its first civil marriage license for a non-Muslim couple, state media reported Monday, as the Gulf country... 022400
BangladeshLatest news / Taza newspress release 18 anti-tank rocket shells recovered from Satchhari March 4, 2021 PBC News: Members of the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) in a raid have recovered 18 anti-tank rocket shells from the dense forest in... 022400
BanglaBangladeshLatest news / Taza newspress release জামায়াতের নেতাকর্মীদের গ্রেফতার সরকারের রুটিনে পরিণত হয়েছে : বুলবুল January 28, 2023 January 28, 2023 পিবিসি নিউজ ডেস্কঃ বাংলাদেশ জামায়াতে ইসলামীর কেন্দ্রীয় নির্বাহী পরিষদ সদস্য ও ঢাকা মহানগরী দক্ষিণের আমির মো: নূরুল ইসলাম বুলবুল বলেছ... 022300
BangladeshLatest news / Taza newspress release BNP gets invitation, won’t join dialogue January 6, 2022 PBC News: Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has received the invitation letter from President Abdul Hamid for joining a dialogue a... 022300
BangladeshLatest news / Taza newspress release SC starts judicial activities physically December 1, 2021 PBC News: The Supreme Court started its judicial activities in physical presence on Wednesday, after 20 months. The activitie... 022300
AsiaLatest news / Taza newspress release Twitter apologies to India for showing wrong map ! November 19, 2020 Tech giant social media handle Twitter has apologised to an Indian parliamentary panel for showing a northern Himalayan region as pa... 022300
AMERICABangladeshLatest news / Taza newspress release US report says Bangladesh saw a decline in terrorist activity in 2020 December 17, 2021 PBC News: Bangladesh experienced a decrease in terrorist activity last year, accompanied by an increase in terrorism-related... 022300
All postsAMERICAArticlesLatest news / Taza news Biden deforms Trump’s diplomacy dull as president-elect November 15, 2020 Without any question , current US president Donald Trump was not everyone’s cup of tea regarding diplomatic supremecy. Many ne... 022300
AMERICALatest news / Taza newspress release US to vaccinate 100 million people by February! December 3, 2020 The number of contamination in USA is exponentially increasing everyday. The US hopes to have immunized 100 million people against C... 022300
BanglaBangladeshLatest news / Taza newspress release মন্দির-প্রতিমা ভাংচুর শুধু ন্যাক্কারজনক ও কলঙ্কজনকই নয় রহস্যজনকও : মির্জা ফখরুল February 6, 2023 February 6, 2023 পিবিসি নিউজ ডেস্কঃ ঠাকুরগাঁওয়ে মন্দির ও প্রতিমা ভাংচুরের ঘটনার তীব্র নিন্দা ও প্রতিবাদ জানিয়ে বিএনপির মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আল... 022300