All posts ফেসবুক এখন ‘মেটা’ October 29, 2021 পিবিসি নিউজঃ কর্পোরেট নাম বদলে সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যম ফেসবুকের নতুন নামকরণ করা হয়েছে ‘মেটা’। এর সঙ্গে সঙ্গে নতুন রূপে আত্মপ্রকাশ ঘট... 016500
All posts সংকট এড়াতে জনগণকে কম খাওয়ার নির্দেশ কিম জং-উনের October 29, 2021 পিবিসি নিউজঃ খাদ্য সংকট চরম আকার ধারণ করায় জনগণকে আগামী ২০২৫ সাল পর্যন্ত খাবারের পরিমাণ কমিয়ে দেওয়ার নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন দেশটির সর্বোচ্... 017100
AsiaBangladeshLatest news / Taza news MoU inked to boost Saudi investment in Bangladesh October 29, 2021 PBC News: A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on public-private partnership (PPP) was signed between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (K... 018800
AsiaLatest news / Taza news Kim asks people to eat less till 2025 October 29, 2021 PBC News: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has reportedly asked people to consume less amid food crisis that is expected to l... 018000
AsiaLatest news / Taza news India arrests Muslims for celebrating Pakistani cricket team’s win October 29, 2021 PBC News: Indian police have arrested four Muslims for allegedly celebrating the victory of Pakistan cricket team over adversary In... 018400
AsiaLatest news / Taza news Saudi crown prince suggested killing King Abdullah, ex-official says October 29, 2021 PBC News: Saudi Arabia’s crown prince suggested using a “poison ring” to kill the late King Abdullah, a former to... 018800
All posts E-orange owner Sonia, husband among 3 remanded in fraud case October 29, 2021 PBC News: A court in Dhaka on Thursday (Oct 28) placed three persons including virtual outlet e-orange owner Sonia Mehjabin and her... 014400
AMERICAAsiaLatest news / Taza news US returns antiquities to India in stolen art investigation October 29, 2021 PBC News: authorities returned about 250 antiquities to India on Thursday in a long-running investigation of a stolen art scheme. T... 021800
AMERICALatest news / Taza news Biden, pushing $1.75 trillion spending bill, dealt setback on infrastructure October 29, 2021 PBC News: President Joe Biden was dealt a setback on Thursday as the House of Representatives abandoned plans for a vote on an infra... 021200
All posts 15 BNP men remanded over clash with police October 28, 2021 PBC News: A court in Dhaka on Thursday placed 15 leaders and activists of BNP on two-day remand each in a case filed over clash wit... 018600