All postsAMERICAArticlesAsiaBangladeshLatest news / Taza news Trump tried falsehood 300 times during election ! November 18, 2020 While the presidential election was going on in United States , President Donald Trump has posted more than 300 tweets attacking the... 027200
All postsAMERICAArticlesAsiaBangladeshDhakaLatest news / Taza news Amazon to open online Pharmacy , big threat to pharmacy industry November 18, 2020 With the succession of online popularity for every kinds of goods , this time the tech giant Amazon is going to launch online pharma... 021100
All posts স্মরণ: শক্তিমান অভিনেতা ওয়াসিমুল বারী রাজীব November 18, 2020 ফজলে এলাহী : বাংলা চলচ্চিত্রের ৮০ ও ৯০ দশকের নিয়মিত দর্শক তাঁদের কাছে ‘রাজীব’ নামটি খুবই পরিচিত ও প্রিয় একটি নাম। বাংলা বাণিজ্যিক... 018400
All postsAMERICAAutraliaLatest news / Taza news Australia’s Adelaide summons six-day lockdown November 18, 2020 The Adelaide city authority has summoned a six-day “circuit-breaker” lockdown from midnight. The state of South Australi... 022400
All posts ভাসানী স্মরণে- মারুফ কামাল খান November 18, 2020 একজন কলামিস্ট হিসাবে “মারুফ কামাল খান ” এর লেখাগুলি বেশ ভালো লাগে, তার ফেইজবুক পেইজ থেকে মাওলানা ভাসানী সম্পর্কিত লেখাটি... 017400
All posts Crimes uprising in USA more than ever ! November 17, 2020 Due to election and middle stage , the hate crimes in the United States rose to their highest level in more than a decade. Although,... 020000
All postsAMERICAArticlesAsiaLatest news / Taza news UK expect rolling out of Pfizer before Christmas! November 17, 2020 Britain has provided a good news as the most promising vaccine expects to start rolling out the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine just before... 021400
All postsAMERICAArticlesAsiaLatest news / Taza news Trump planned to ataack Iran’s atomic power-plants November 17, 2020 After loosing the president election, President Donald Trump, last week asked for options on attacking Iran’s main nuclear sit... 021300
All postsAMERICAArticlesAsiaBangladeshDhakaLatest news / Taza news Mahmudullah beats COVID-19 contamination November 17, 2020 Before going to play the play offs of Pakistan Super League, Mahmudullah had to postpone the plan he made. After a week later , the... 020200
All postsArticlesAsiaLatest news / Taza news Pakistan to boycott French Products, says Islamist group November 17, 2020 A Pakistani Islamist group called off protests over cartoons of Prophet Mohammad on Tuesday saying the government had agreed to thei... 024900